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The CUSD GATE program has an unwavering commitment to provide gifted students with an instructional program that meets their unique and diverse educational needs so that all students are challenged to reach their full potential.  The program is based on current research and best practice in order to maximize student academic growth, recognize and enhance individual strengths, and nurture social and emotional development
Each CUSD Elementary School Provides cluster classes for GATE identified students in grades 4 and 5.  GATE cluster classrooms include a small group of GATE students within a mixed ability general education classroom.  This model allows the classroom teacher to more effectively differentiate instruction.  It also provides opportunities for these students to interact with both their intellectual and same age peers.
Teachers of gifted learners are provided with professional learning opportunities specific to meeting the academic and social-emotional needs of gifted and advanced learners.  Teachers of GATE students assess each student’s skill level and make adjustments to instruction and curriculum to meet individual needs.  Students participating in GATE cluster groups receive differentiated instructional opportunities.  Differentiated instruction is provided within the school day and in the general education classroom through the use of flexible groupings, supplemental materials, and varied learning activities.  Differentiation is not accomplished by assigning GATE students more homework or special at-home projects.